Tony McDonald
- Catch
How far would you go for your lover? Using the ball game “catch” as a metaphor, the play views the struggles of a serodiscordant gay male couple. This dark comedy explores the gay-underground scene of viral “bug chasers” and “gift givers.”
“Catch” premiered at Theatre on the Square in Indianapolis (winter 2005), and was produced by The Lambda Players in Sacramento (July 2005).
Two-Act: 1.5 hours
6M: 21-45
- latitude
Two men on a beach in ancient Greece declare love everlasting, and end up reconnecting during the Spanish Inquisition, the art world of the 20s in England, and, finally, in contemporary America. The play examines the societal view of homosexuality during these periods. This is a story of three souls, caught spiraling through time and space, until they finally “get it right.”
“latitude” premiered at The Bailiwick in Chicago (summer 1998), as part of their Pride series, and was the 1998 winner of the Festival of Emerging American Theatre when it played at the Phoenix Theatre in Indianapolis (1998).
Two-Act: 2 hr. 10 min.
2M: late 20s, mid 40s
1F: mid 30s
- Lies My Parents Told Me
An autobiographical one-man show on growing up gay in a small Indiana town, dealing with homophobia, the military, rape, substance abuse, recovery, religion, and politics. The show is augmented by projected digital images that are personal as well as political.
Premiered at the Alley Theater, Indiana (September 2007).
“The voyeur in you will appreciate Tony’s willingness to share; the thinker in you will appreciate the opportunity to see how another person looks at experiences that you did not realize you share.” – Joe Boling on
“Lies” won 2nd place in the IndyFringe Playwriting Contest, June 2007.
One-Act: 1 hr. 20 min.
1M: mid 40s