Scott Patrick Wagner
- Dissociated States
Set against a backdrop of two opposing Americas, a man with multiple personalities affects the lives of a gay minister and his partner, and a straight minister with an ugly secret. Actors appearing in multiple roles underscores the dissociation that touches all their lives.
Two-Act: length?
5M: 20s-50s doubled-up casting
2F: 30s, 50s doubled-up casting
- Father Figures
A dance/theater play, told half with dialogue and half with 14 dance sequences, about a half-Latino choreographer’s struggles with spirituality, sexuality, and ethnicity. As the play opens, he lives with his “grounded” psychotherapist girlfriend, but becomes involved with a charismatic and spiritual gay man.
Two-Act: length?
5-7M: 2 actors, 3-5 dancers
3-4F: 1 actress, 2-3 dancers
- Lust Angeles
A sexually bold, runaway-train comedy-satire about gay men in West Hollywood in the pre-cocktail 90s. An homage to Armistead Maupin’s “Tales of the City,” the play sprawls out, in soap opera style, across 180 pages, 3 major storylines, and 32 speaking roles. Valium and neck massages are available to any producer ready to mount this project.
Three-Act: length?
12 or more M: teens-50s, doubled-up casting (one transvestite)
4F: 20s-70s, doubled-up casting
- The Mama Rose Pool
A comedy about a group of middle-aged women who spend their lives playing the central role in Gypsy anywhere they can, and the lengths to which they will go to keep working. Unexpected plot twists abound.
Two-Act: length?
2M: 25, 25-50 chameleon who plays multiple M and F roles
5F: like Ethel Merman, Bernadette Peters, Angela Lansbury, Tyne Daly, and Susan Lucci
- Under My Skin: Cole Porter in Review
An unblinking, irreverent musical review featuring 37 Cole Porter popular and obscure songs, narrated by Mr. Porter himself, and assisted by his wife Linda and various male “companions.”
Two-Act: length?
3M: Cole plus, at least 2 males (featured roles)
3F: Linda Porter, plus at least 2 females (featured roles)