Naomi Westerman
- Tortoise
Dark comedic drama about three women who have been Sectioned (forcibly detailed under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act), and are living together in a psychiatric hospital ward.
Awards: Arcola Theatre Playwrought, Leslie Scalapino Award (shortlisted).
“Tortoise offered interesting views on mental illness versus conforming to society’s norms. This … was a good choice to open ‘Seize the Stage’ and set the bar for the rest of the afternoon.” – Michael Davis, FemaleArts, 19th April 2014
“Funny and touching at the same time, the play breaks stereotypes and forces you to think.” – Teatralny Londyn
Two-Act: 2 hours
1M: plays 6 small roles
3F: early 20s, mid-30s, 60s
- Puppy
Two young women meet, fall in love while dogging (British English slang for engaging in public sex, usually in a car or country park, while others watch), and set up a feminist porn company together. Comedy about politics, protest, and sex.
One-Act: 1 hour
- Claustrophilia
Dark monologue about a kidnap survivor.
One-Act: 1 hour
1F: early 20s
- Warpig
Two elderly, Jewish women, in the heart of Trump country, plan a women’s march in their Florida retirement community.
2F: 60s, 70s