Deborah Chava Singer
- A Fantasy and a Dare
A male and female bisexual couple join up with a friend so the woman can watch the two men have sex. The story is about being with someone who “gets” you, and is right for you, even when that includes someone else.
Staged Reading during “An Evening of Sex, Angst, Love and Misery: A Post-Holiday Show,” CherryFire/PornoBoy Productions, San Marcos, CA, December 1998-January 1999.
One-Act: 15 min. – 2 sets: trashy coffee house, and an apartment
2M: 18-early-20s
1F: 18-early-20s
- The First Goodbye
Ruth is about to move away to college. Her mother thinks she is too emotional about leaving her best friend Ariel, not realizing the two young women have been dating. Ariel has chosen not to go with Ruth because she’s afraid of being out. This story is about the pain of first heartbreak, the distance between people created because of being closeted, and about feeling the world changing, but still staying same.
Produced as a part of Queer Shorts 4 Annual One-Act Play Festival, StageQ, Madison, WI, May – June 2009.
One-Act: 10 min. – 1 set: split between two locations in the same house
4F: two 17-18, two 30s-40s
- Bonnie and Claudia’s Attempted Toaster Oven Heist
A month after Bonnie’s cousin voted against same-sex marriage in an election, Bonnie and her girlfriend, Claudia, try to enact vengeful justice by breaking into the cousin’s home to steal a toaster oven. While hiding from the cousin’s dog, Bonnie and Claudia argue about pantyhose, lip gloss, what to steal (now that they know there is no toaster oven), and whether they would be ready to get married if it were legal.
Premiered in Queer Shorts 5, StageQ, Madison, WI – June 2010.
Also produced in Outworks Festival, Louisiana State University’s Department of Theatre, Baton Rouge, LA – March 2011.
One-Act: 10 min. – 1 set: outside Bonnie’s cousin’s home
2F: 18-early 20s, 1 butch, 1 femme
- Hidden Potential -or- The Straight Gene
In the near future, people look to their genes for guidance in exercise regimens, employment, romance, and even what hobbies to pursue. Charlie, a gay man in a committed relationship, is told that according to his genes he’s straight. Charlie must decide if his genes really are his destiny, or if he should go against science, and follow his heart.
Received a Grants for Artist Projects (GAP) funding from Artist Trust, Seattle, WA- 2012.
Two-Act: 1 hr. 10 min. – 5 sets: waiting room, small conference room, restaurant, 2 apartments
2M: 20s-30s
2F: 20s-30s