Craig Barron
- Men Like Trees
During 24 hours, in the heart of the city, six gay men find a tricky landscape after 25 years of HIV. Dawn in the park, who is under the tree?
“Lean, witty dialogue … and a committment to the concrete lives of the play’s characters.” – Xtra West, December 7, 2006
Produced at AIDS2006, Toronto, and at the Gay Men’s Summit in Vancouver, December 1, 2006.
One-Act: 1 hr. 10 min. – minimal sets
6M: 25-50
- Mustang
In the fall of 1968, two sisters, in an ossified, English-speaking ghetto in Montreal, receive a taste of changing realities. Mustang revisits the old, linguistically divided Montreal; a pre-Stonewall world of gay men.
One-Act: 30 min. – minimal sets
2M: 20s
2F: 29, 40